Yu-Gi-Oh! Singles
- AP01 - Astral Pack: Booster 01
- AP02 - Astral Pack: Booster 02
- AP03 - Astral Pack: Booster 03
- AP04 - Astral Pack: Booster 04
- AP05 - Astral Pack: Booster 05
- AP06 - Astral Pack: Booster 06
- AP07 - Astral Pack: Booster 07
- AP08 - Astral Pack: Booster 08
- BOSH - Breakers of Shadow
- CORE - Clash of Rebellions
- CP01 - Champion Pack Game 1
- CP02 - Champion Pack Game 2
- CP03 - Champion Pack Game 3
- CP04 - Champion Pack Game 4
- CP05 - Champion Pack Game 5
- CP06 - Champion Pack Game 6
- CP07 - Champion Pack Game 7
- CP08 - Champion Pack Game 8
- CROS - Crossed Souls
- DESO - Destiny Soldiers
- DOCS - Dimensions of Chaos
- DRLG - Dragons of Legend
- DRL2 - Dragons of Legend 2
- DRL3 - Dragons of Legend: Unleashed
- HA07 - Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars
- HSRD - High-Speed Riders
- INOV - Invasion: Vengeance
- LC5D - Legendary Collection 5D's Mega Pack
- MIL1 - Millennium Pack 1
- MP14 - Mega Pack 2014
- MP15 - Mega Pack 2015
- MVP1 - Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack
- OP01 - OTS Tournament Pack 1
- OP02 - OTS Tournament Pack 2
- OP03 - OTS Tournament Pack 3
- PGL2 - Premium Gold 2: Return of the Bling
- PGL3 - Premium Gold 3: Infinite Gold
- SDBE - Structure Deck: Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon
- SDHS - Structure Deck: HERO Strike
- SDMP - Structure Deck: Masters of Pendulum
- SDSE - Structure Deck: Synchron Extreme
- SHVI - Shining Victories
- SR01 - Structure Deck: Emperor of Darkness
- SR02 - Structure Deck: Rise of the True Dragons
- TDIL - The Dark Illusion
- WIRA - Wing Raiders
- WSUP - World Superstars
- 5DS1 - 5D's Starter Deck
- 5DS2 - 5D's Starter Deck 2009
- 5DS3 - Starter Deck: Duelist Toolbox
- ABPF - Absolute Powerforce
- ABYR - Abyss Rising
- ABYR - Abyss Rising
- CBLZ - Cosmo Blazer
- CT10 - Collectors Tins 2013
- DT07 - Duel Terminal 7
- LCYW:LC03 - Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World
- LCJW:LC04 - Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World
- PRC1 - Premium Tin 2012
- REDU - Return of the Duelist
- SHSP - Shadow Specters
- SP15 - Star Pack 2015
- TDGS - The Duelist Genesis
- SDKS - Structure Deck: Seto Kaiba
- SDRE - Structure Deck: Realm of the Sea Emperor
- SDRL - Structure Deck: Rise of the Dragon Lords
- SDSC - Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Command
- SDWA - Structure Deck: Samurai Warlords
- SDWS - Structure Deck: Warriors Strike
- SDZW - Structure Deck: Zombie World
- TAEV - Tactical Evolution
- TFK - The Falsebound Kingdom GC Promo
- TLM - The Lost Millennium
- TP01 - Tournament Pack 1
- TP02 - Tournament Pack 2
- TP03 - Tournament Pack 3
- TP04 - Tournament Pack 4
- TP05 - Tournament Pack 5
- TP06 - Tournament Pack 6
- TP07 - Tournament Pack 7
- TP08 - Tournament Pack 8
- TSC - The Sacred Cards GBA Promo
- TSHD - The Shining Darkness
- TU01 - Turbo Pack 1
- TU02 - Turbo Pack 2
- TU03 - Turbo Pack 3
- TU04 - Turbo Pack 4
- TU05 - Turbo Pack 5
- TU06 - Turbo Pack 6
- TU07 - Turbo Pack 7
- TWED - Twilight Edition
- UE02 - Ultimate Edition 2
- WC04 - World Championship 2004 GBA Promo
- WC05 - World Championship 2005 7 Trials to Glory
- WC06 - World Championship 2006 Ultimate Masters
- WC07 - World Championship 2007
- WC08 - World Championship 2008
- WC10 - World Championship Promo Pack 2010
- WC11 - World Championship 2011- Over the Nexus
- WCPS - World Championship Series
- XSPU - X-Saber Power Up
- YMA - Yu-Gi-Oh The Movie
- YMP1 - 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie Pack
- YR0x - Yu-Gi-Oh! R Comic Book Promos
- YS11 - Starter Deck: Dawn of the Xyz
- ZTIN - Zexal Collection Tin 2013
- DPC5 - Duelist Pack Tin 2011
- YF0X - 5D's Manga Promos
- TF04 - 5D's Tag Force 4 Promos
- YDT1 - 5D's Duel Transer Promotional Cards
- WC10 - 5D's Reverse of Arcadia Promotional Cards
- WC09 - 5D's Stardust Accelerator World Championship 2009
- TF05 - 5D's Tag Force 5 Promotional Cards
- WB01 - 5D's Wheelie Breakers
- ANPR - Ancient Prophecy
- AST - Ancient Sanctuary
- YAP1 - Anniversary Pack
- BP01 - Battle Pack 1: Epic Dawn
- CMC - Capsule Monster Coliseum PS2 Promo
- CRMS - Crimson Crisis
- CSOC - Crossroads of Chaos
- CDIP - Cyberdark Impact
- CRV - Cybernetic Revolution
- DB1 - Dark Beginnings 1
- DB2 - Dark Beginnings 2
- DCR - Dark Crisis
- DDS - Dark Duel Stories GBA Promo
- DLG1 - Dark Legends
- DR01 - Dark Revelations 1
- DR02 - Dark Revelations 2
- DR03 - Dark Revelations 3
- DR04 - Dark Revelations 4
- DOD - Dawn of Destiny XBOX Promo
- DEM1 - Demo Pack
- DBT - Destiny Board Traveler GBA Promo
- DMG - Duel Masters Guide
- DTP1 - Duel Terminal
- DT01 - Duel Terminal 1
- DT02 - Duel Terminal 2
- DT03 - Duel Terminal 3
- DT04 - Duel Terminal 4
- DT05 - Duel Terminal 5
- DL09 - Duelist League 2010 Prize Cards
- DL11 - Duelist League 2011 Prize Cards
- DL01:10 - Duelist League Prize Cards
- DP01 - Duelist Pack 01: Jaden Yuki
- DP10 - Duelist Pack 10: Yusei Fudo 3
- DP11 - Duelist Pack 11: Crow
- DP02 - Duelist Pack 02: Chazz Princeton
- DP03 - Duelist Pack 03: Jaden Yuki 2
- DP04 - Duelist Pack 04: Zane Truesdale
- DP05 - Duelist Pack 05: Aster Phoenix
- DP06 - Duelist Pack 06: Jaden Yuki 3
- DP07 - Duelist Pack 07: Jesse Anderson
- DP08 - Duelist Pack 08: Yusei Fudo
- DP09 - Duelist Pack 09: Yusei Fudo 2
- DPCT - Duelist Pack Collection Tin
- RGBT - Duelist Pack Exclusive TIn Promos
- DPK - Duelist Pack Special Edition
- DPYG - Duelist Pack Yugi Moto
- DPKB - Duelist Pack: Kaiba
- DREV - Duelist Revolution
- DOR - Duelist of the Roses PS2 Promo
- EEN - Elemental Energy
- EHC1 - Elemental Hero Collection 1
- EHC2 - Elemental Hero Collection 2
- EOJ - Enemy of Justice
- EDS - Eternal Duelist Soul GBA Promo
- CT06 - Exclusive Tins 2009
- EXVC - Extreme Victory
- FET - Flaming Eternity
- FL1 - Forbidden Legacy 1
- FMR - Forbidden Memories Ps Promo
- FOTB - Force of the Breaker
- YDB1 - GX Card Almanac
- GX01 - GX Duel Academy GBA Promo
- LCGX:LC02 - Legendary Collection 2
- SP01 - Sneak Preview 1
- SP02 - Sneak Preview Series 2
- SP03 - Sneak Preview Series 3
- SP04 - Sneak Preview Series 4
- TKN4 - Battle City Tournament Kit Promos
- BP02 - Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants
- BPW2 - Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants - Round 2
- BP03 - Battle Pack 3: Monster League
- BATT - Battle Pack Tournament Prize Cards
- BP01 - Battle Pack 1: Epic Dawn
- DT06 - Duel Terminal 6
- DUEA - Duelist Alliance
- DL13 - Duelist League 13
- DL14 - Duelist League 14
- DL15 - Duelist League 15
- DL16 - Duelist League 16
- DL17 - Duelist League 17
- DL18 - Duelist League 18
- DLDI - Duelist League Demo 2010
- HA06 - Hidden Arsenal 6: Omega Xyz
- JOTL - Judgment of the Light
- LVAL - Legacy of the Valiant
- LCYW - Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World
- LTGY - Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy
- NKRT - Noble Knights of the Round Table
- NKRT - Noble Knights of the Round Table Power-Up Pack
- NUMH - Number Hunters
- PGLD - Premium Gold
- PRIO - Primal Origin
- RYMP - Ra Yellow Mega-Pack
- RGBT - Raging Battle Special Edition
- SECE - Secrets of Eternity
- SECE - Secrets of Eternity: Super Edition
- SHSP - Shadow Specters
- YS14 - Space-Time Showdown Power-Up Pack
- SP13 - Star Pack 2013
- SP14 - Star Pack 2014
- YSKR - Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded
- YS12 - Starter Deck: XYZ Symphony
- YSYR - Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded
- SDGR - Structure Deck: Geargia Rampage
- SDLI - Structure Deck: Realm of Light
- NECH - New Challengers
- YS14 - Super Starter - Space-Time Showdown
- YS13 - Super Starter - Power-Up Pack
- YS12 - Super Starter - V for Victory
- THSF - The Secret Forces
- TKN4 - Token Pack
- TU08 - Turbo Pack 8
- WGRT - War of the Giants Reinforcements
- MOV2 - Yu-Gi-Oh! 10th Anniversary Movie Promo
- YZ0X - Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Manga Promotional Cards: Series
- GLD5 - Gold Series 5: Haunted Mine
- SP5 - Sneak Preview Series 5
- DUEA - Sneak Peek Promos
- YF01:08 - 5D's Manga Promos
- SDCR - Structure Deck: Cyber Dragon Revolution
- SDOK - Structure Deck: Onslaught of the Fire Kings
- FFSE - Fire Fists: Special Edition
- DPBC - Duelist Pack: Battle City
- YS15 - Starter Deck: Dark Legion
- YS15 - Starter Deck: Saber Force
- CORE - Clash of Rebellions
- YGLD - Yugi's Legendary Decks
- YS16 - Starter Deck: Yuya
- YCS Prize Cards
- MP16 - Mega Tin 2016
- DL17- Duelist League 17
- DPRP - Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh
- LDK2 - Legendary Decks II
- SDMY - Structure Deck: Yugi Moto
- RATE - Raging Tempest
- FUEN - Fusion Enforcers
- SDPD - Pendulum Dominance
- SP17 - Star Pack Battle Royale
- DUSA - Duelist Saga
- SR04 - Dinosmasher's Fury
- MACR - Maximum Crisis
- DPDG: Duelist Pack Dimensional Guardians
- OP04 - OTS Tournament Pack 4
- SR03 - Structure Deck: Machine Reactor
- PEVO - Pendulum Evolution
- BLLR - Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge
- YS17 - Starter Deck: Link Strike
- COTD - Code of the Duelist
- MP17 - Mega Tin 2017
- OTS5 - Official Tournament Pack 5
- LEDU - Legendary Duelist
- CIBR - Circuit Break
- LEDD - Legendary Dragon Decks
- SDCL - Structure Deck: Cyberse Link
- YUCB - Yugi's Collector Box
- YA01 - Arc-V Volume 1
- SPWA - Spirit Warriors
- EXFO - Extreme Force
- LCKC - Legendary Collection Kaiba
- LED2 - Legendary Duelist: Ancient Millennium
- SR05 - Structure Deck: Wave of Light
- SR06 - Lair of Darkness
- FLOD - Flames of Destruction
- DASA - Dark Saviors
- BLRR - Relentless Revenge
- CYHO - Cybernetic Horizon
- SHVA - Shadows in Valhalla
- MP18 - Mega Pack 2018
- LEHD - Legendary Hero Decks
- SOFU - Soul Fusion
- SR07 - Structure Deck: Zombie Horde
- LED3 - Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss
- HISU - Hidden Summoners
- SAST - Savage Strike
- SDSB - Structure Deck: Soulburner
- LED4 - Sisters of the Rose
- SDPL - Structure deck: Powercode Link
- INCH - Infinity Chasers
- DUPO - Duel power
- DANE - Dark Neostorm
- BLHR: Battle of Legend: Hero's Revenge
- RIRA - Rising Rampage
- SR08 - Order of the Spellcasters
- FIGA - Fists of the Gadget
- MP19 - 2019 Mega Tin
- SDRR - Structure Deck: Rokket Revolt
- LED5 - Legendary Duelist: Immortal Destiny
- DUDE - Duel Devastator
- CHIM - Chaos Impact
- MYFI - Mystic Fighters
- LED6 - Magical Hero
- IGAS - Ignition Assault
- OP06 - OTS Tournament Pack 6
- OP07 - OTS Tournament Pack 7
- OP08 - OTS Tournament Pack 8
- MVP1 - The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack Secret Edition
- SDSH - Structure Deck: Shaddoll Showdown
- YS18 - Starter Deck: Codebreaker
- DUOV - Duel Overload
- SESL - Secret Slayers
- ETCO - Eternity Code
- TOCH - Toon Chaos
- LDS1 - Legendary Duelists: Season 1
- Battles of Legend: Armageddon
- ROTD - Rise of the Duelist
- SDSA - Structure Deck: Sacred Beasts
- MP20 - Tin of Lost Memories
- LED7 - Legendary Duelists: Rage of Ra
- DLCS - Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series
- MAGO - Maximum Gold
- PHRA - Phantom Rage
- SDCH - Spirit Charmers
- LDS2 - Legendary Duelists Season 2
- BLVO - Blazing Vortex
- GEIM - Genesis Impact
- GFTP - Ghosts From the Past
- Brothers of Legend
- LIOV - Lightning Overdrive
- DAMA - Dawn of Majesty
- BACH - Battle of Chaos
- MP21 - Tin of Ancient Battles
- MGED - Maximum Gold: El Dorado
- GFP2 - Ghosts from the Past 2
- ANGU - Ancient Guardians
- SDFC - Structure Deck: Freezing Chains